In September, Brycen was officially 2 and a half years old... already! I thought I'd do a quick blog post about him being 2 1/2 years old. :)
- Brycen continues to amaze Burke and I with what comes out of his mouth (in a good way). His vocabulary is amazing and his ability to use words in the correct context is so much fun. Jolene even made a comment recently saying conversations with Brycen can be compared to having a conversation with a 40 year old man.
- Brycen is decisive (always has been) but now that he is going through more aggressive stages, the mind games and word twists are harder and harder to pull off.
- We no longer have to have matching clothes every day. (Whew!) For a while there, it was difficult to dress him because he'd be convinced things didn't match. He's more concerned if the shirts fit comfortably over his head when putting them on and taking them off.
- Brycen is still a mama's boy. At 9 months old, someone told me that it would wear off... and at 2 years old I was told that it was just a phase... I think he's stuck in this "phase." He truly loves his Daddy but whenever times are tough or he gets the slightest bit emotional- it's Mom that he wants. This is very apparent at bedtime when reading books.
- Brycen loves to wrestle his Daddy! He's started calling it "The Wrestling Show" after bath time. He has been doing this for about 6 months now, but it's an expectation every night.
- Brycen wears all 3T clothes, size 8 shoes, and wears baseball caps that nearly fit on my head. He has been weighing between 37-39 pounds for about 5 months or so now but continues to stretch out. Since his 2 year checkup in March, he's grown over 2 inches!
- Brycen's favorite books are The Truck Book, I-Spy books, Mouse Soup, Tractor Power & What's New on the Farm, and The Spooky Old Tree. We
try to keep our bedtime routine short, but it usually lasts at least 20 minutes. It involves about 3 books (depending on length), a prayer, and a story or two. It always ends with "good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite."
- His favorite toys are his many tractors, wagons, sprayer, combine, and other farm machinery. He plays with these daily. He still likes his dinosaurs that hid under his bed, but they're a distant second to the farm equipment. He loves riding his bike, digging in the garden or dirt, helping Daddy with work around the house, sweeping, and helping Mom with laundry.
- Brycen is now potty trained! Yay!
- His favorite foods are still fruits, that has not changed. He enjoyed the late summer harvest of pears and apples from Grandpa and Grandma Blanchard's trees. He eats a lot of mandarin oranges, tortillas, bananas, and toast. His favorite meat is a pork chop. Especially Fareway meat counter's smoked chops- he could almost eat an entire chop to himself if we let him. He still won't eat things that don't look physically appealing to him (rice, some veggies, hamburger meat). His most recent cravings have been chocolate milk and candy corn.
- He has been drinking out of normal cups for a few months now. We've put away all but one "sippy" cup to clear room in the cupboards.
- He goes to bed around 8:30 pm and wakes up around 6:30am. He naps usually between 12:30-2:30, depending on when he goes down for a nap it could be later but it is usually about 2 hours.
- Brycen knows left from right, and is starting to recognize more numbers. He understands his traffic lights, turn signals, the difference between an interstate and a highway (in his mind) and which side of the road we drive on. He's learned that he can get up after the first number on the clock says "6."
- Brycen has really started to grasp feelings, too. He understands how things make him feel and does a very good job communicating his feelings now.
- Brycen loves his super hero capes! He's caught on to Spider Man, Batman, and Superman just by the hype that Burke and I give them. He's got a Spiderman tooth brush and shoes, Batman hat, pajamas, and shirt, and he has Superman capes, pajamas and will be Superman for Halloween.
- He's a smart, loving, caring little boy!