Tuesday, April 30, 2013

First Dentist Appointment

On Monday, Brycen went to the dentist for the very first time.  We have been talking about the dentist a lot and preparing him for what would happen there.  He does a great job letting us brush his teeth and he brushes at least once a day. 

Two words: EPIC FAIL! I won't get into the details, but it did not go well.  The hygienist should never work with children.  The dentist either!  Brycen wouldn't even look at them much less let them clean his teeth.  We left after a few minutes of screaming, crying and a new toothbrush.  We won't be going back to tat dentist office. 

The bonus was he did get to stop in and see Daddy at work after the dentist.  Brycen loves to look at the fish in the large 20 gallon fish tank.  This time he even got to feed the fish. 

We finally cut off the Mohawk hair on his shaggy head. We cut his hair on the deck outside.  This time he didn't cry or have much complaining, which is encouraging.  The last few times, he's thrown a fit when we bust out the clipper set.  He now has a nice buzz that will be cooler for summer weather.

Brycen giving a sly look as Daddy takes a picture of his new hair cut

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Preparing for the next chapter

Bryen riding his bike in the front yard by our For Sale sign

Our family is preparing for many changes this year. One of those is the building of a new house in Walford. We also need to sell what has been our family's home in Swisher for 7 years.

Brycen knows that our new house is in Walford, but is too young to realize that life is going to be changing drastically for him.

Sara on her scooter and Brycen on his bike taking a stroll down the street

Sara and Brad being goofy showing off their big boxes from their recent washer purchase

He spends so much time with the neighbors and yesterday met two new friends from down the street. He threw rocks and played in the mud and grass.

Noah, Eli, and Brycen playing in the rocks and mud at the end of the cul-du-sac on our street

Today was also Pastor Mosher's last day at Trinity Lutheran. He delivered a great sermon that brought many to tears. Once again, Brycen is too young to understand what this means.

Brycen giving Pastor Mosher a hug after he presided over Trinity Lutheran for the last time

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The coming of the TERRIBLE TWO's....

We've all heard rumors, stories, and nightmares of the terrible two's.  Brycen is a pretty well behaved little boy but I think "it's hit."  He's had a good streak of not needing any time-outs, but that has changed in the last few days.  It's almost an every day occurance anymore.  Burke explains it that he is showing his independence.  Jean says it's testosterone and the terrible two's.  I think he's just testing us every day, and it's only the beginning. 

On Brycen's first birthday, he rarely said he was 1 year old... he was always 2.  Now that he is officially two, he often will tell us and others that he is 3 years old.  (Sometimes even argue his case.) We really don't want time to go that fast, he's so fun to play with and it's always interesting to hear what new word or phrase that comes out of his mouth. 

It all started just after his birthday with problems sharing.  It then as turned into Brycen beign extremely convicted in the decisions he makes and the ideas that he has.  He tries to test us by doing something even after we've told him not to.  He loves his Daddy very much, but has even been a little agressive towards Burke lately.  It also seems that life can be very frustrating sometimes now as he tries to do more himelf but just can't yet. 

Jean has been trying to reinforce the good behaviors and praise him when he's being a good boy more than pointing out the times when he's acting out and being naughty.  He often tests my patience, especially when potty training, and I have to remind myself about how young he is yet.  It just takes time, praise for good behaviors, consistant parenting, and good adult examples to put him on the right track. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Happy Birthday, Daddy!!

Today is Daddy's birthday! We started celebrating by opening cards and presents. Well, actually we started celebrating last night when Brycen spilled the beans on what one of Daddy's presents was. Burke may have asked, too... :)

The picture frame that Burke got for his birthday from Brycen
We had a nice supper with steaks, shrimp, green beans and ended with some birthday cake! Brycen helped Daddy open his presents and blow out he candles on the cake. He loved the chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and sprinkles...yum! Brycen loved the cake and he got it all over his face, too.

Don't count the candles... we didn't have enough! :)

Burke & Brycen after eating Birthday cake

Happy Birthday, Daddy! Love you "THIS" much!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Pajama Day at Jean's house!

Today was pajama day at Jean's house. It all started with Brycen begging me over and over to wear his "digger" pajamas to her house. There were a few mornings where he was in a full-out cry because he loves to wear them.
Due to the unusually cold winter weather, Jean decided to have a camp-in today. They had tents to play in, movies to watch, and a mattress to play on that was laid on the floor. They "watched" (as much as toddlers will pay attention) part of The Lion King and Tangled.
Here are a few pictures from their adventures with Pajama Day!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Cool dude


Brycen playing with pens at Mom's office.
Brycen had another great weekend.  Friday night, he was lucky enough to have Grandpa and Grandma Blanchard watch him while Dad and Mom went out for a Kirkwod event.  Grandma made a good supper and the even "Angel" cake that Brycen loves to eat.  He had fun  reading books, taking a bath, reading more books, and even showed them how he could go potty all before bedtime.

Saturday was a fun day with Mom because Dad was helping a friend build a deck in North Liberty.  We started off by making a quick stop at Mom's office at Kirkwood.  Brycen got to bring his truck in to play with and had fun hauling around stress balls and throwing them around the office.

We went shopping afterwards.  Brycen got to pick out a brand new sleeping bag.  Since he's been doing so well with his big boy bed, we decided it would be easy to get him a sleeping bag for when we'd go other places.  He picked out a Cars themed bag at Target on Saturday. 

He also graduated up to taking vitamins.  Mom and Dad take vitamins every day and he's started to feel left out.  At Easter, Brycen tried some of Logan's vitamins and ever since, Brycen has been wanting to take some of his own.  He thinks he's big stuff now that he has his own vitamins just like big kids do. 

We played outside on Saturday at home with the neighbors and then joined up with Daddy in North Liberty.  Cody and Luke are friends of Brycen.  The minute I mentioned their names he was eager to get ready and go to their house.  He had fun playing with them and going out to eat with them.  He was pretty disappointed when we went right home afterwards (it was way past his bedtime). 

He was a good boy in church on Sunday and he even got to see one of his daycare friends, Brenna, at church.  Next week is Pastor Mosher's last Sunday preaching at Trinity Lutheran Church.    Pastor Moe is all he's ever known standing up in front of church.  I know Brycen will miss him. 

While in church, Brycen got a gift from Diana.  We went to sit down about half way through church and noticed a package of duckies and bunnies.  He was so happy and definitely made a new friend.  He went up to Diana after church, thanked her and gave her a hug for the gift.  The minute he got home, he was playing with his new toys. 

Sometimes you can't decide on which pair of sunglasses to wear!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A wonderful April weekend

Brycen wearing Daddy's "helmet" on the ride back from Grandpa & Grandma Blanchard's house
What a great weekend!   Saturday, Brycen got to see Grandpa and Grandma Blanchard both at their house in Belle Plaine and for supper at a restaurant.  Burke also converted his crib to a toddler bed on Saturday afternoon and the transition has been better than expected.  We've been talking it up quite a bit and he knew that Dad was going to change it soon.  Brycen has two rules to his new "big boy" bed.  1) He has to wait for Mom/Dad to get him out and 2) he has to go potty after getting up.  So far he hasn't broken any of the rules... we're blessed that he's such a good listener!  
Brycen napping in his big boy bed!
On Sunday, Brycen and mom went to church.  He behaved so well in church and later that day at lunch he told me his highlights... "Pastor Moe gave me fish" and "I talked in the microphone."  I had to give an announcement in front of the congregation that morning before the service started and Brycen came up front with me... he did not talk into the microphone necessarily but he did touch it once.  He must have thought it was pretty cool.  The sermon on Sunday was about how Jesus told fisherman to cast their nets and they would find fish.  Pastor Moe gave all the children pieces of bread cut out into fish.  Needless to say, Brycen was beyond excited. 

Brycen digging in the garden looking for worms
After nap time on Sunday, Brycen joined me outside in the garden and flower bed.  He had fun using a shovel to dig up dirt and find worms.  While digging in the front flower bed, he had his first experience tasting dirt.  Yuck!  I was just telling our neighbor kids (Brad & Sara) that we were going to be putting our house on the market and moving to Walford at the end of summer.  We both said that this summer would be a lot of fun and would have the chance to play outside as much as possible.  It was just then that Brad noticed Brycen had dirt in his mouth.  We were all saying yuck, and ewww when Brycen spurted out, "Don't taste good," which made us all laugh.  
Sara & Brycen hugging after sharing our news that we'd be moving
Later on, Brycen and I went on a bike ride and stopped at the park for a few minutes to play.  When we got home Brad, Sara, and Brycen jumped on the trampoline for about a half an hour.  I think their laughs and giggles were heard all around the neighborhood.  His little face was bright red from the exercise and he was out of breath at times.  He loved dog piling Brad & Sara and then proceeded to tell them to "get up."  After a bath to was the dirt out of his hair and a good brushing of the teeth he settled into his big boy bed for a good night's sleep.  

Brad & Brycen golfing in the front yard
Sometimes the best memories are made on days spent at home doing the simplest things... going to church, planting seeds, taking a quick bike ride, playing in the park, jumping around with the neighbors, having fun in the tub, and reading bedtime stories.
Sara, Brad & Brycen jumping on the trampoline

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Great neighbors

Brycen absolutely adores our neighbors Sara and Brad. It's sad that he won't remember much about living in this home in Swisher or the wonderful neighbors we have.
He especially loves Sara. She gives Brycen so much love and attention. They definitely have a special bond. Here are a few pictures of Brycen and Sara...

At grandpa and Grandma's house

It's been too long since I have updated this blog! Looking back, we've had a very busy week.

Brycen spent last weekend at Grandpa and Grandma Blanchard 's house. Here is a picture from Friday evening just after we got to Belle Plaine of him feeding the horses apples. Brycen had to have apples to give to the horses. Grandma was nice enough to think ahead and keep some old apples around for this very occasion.

He had fun and when he came home Sunday after church, he was excited at see Dad and Mom. At nap time, as I was giving him a kiss goodnight, he asked if I was going to nap to. I told him maybe (just to get him to go to sleep) and he responded with, "no, you do laundry." Smart little guy!

After his nap, we enjoyed the beautiful day outside and played until supper time. It was nearly 70 degrees outside, sunny, with hardly any wind... near perfect for a spring day!

Friday, April 5, 2013


Happy Friday! Here is a cheesy smile to brighten your day and take you into the weekend. Speaking if smiles, Brycen is working on all four of his back teeth at once. We haven't heard any complaints from him but we can feel them poking through!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dinosaur egg

One of the items in Brycen's Easter basket was an egg that hatches in water then "grows" into a toy dinosaur.  Dad and Brycen had fun on Monday night talking about it and carefully placing it in a glass bowl full if water.

It started hatching already on Tuesday morning and he gets so excited to see it poke out if the egg and now grow.  Here is a picture of Brycen and his egg last night. He's been very into dinosaurs lately and this has added excitement to the dinosaur theme!

The green dinosaur that hatched from his egg

Some final birthday pictures

I know, I know... Brycen's birthday was 2 weeks ago, but I've got some pictures from the farm and day care to share!

Birthday boy eating his cupcake

Brycen shared all of his super hero capes with his friends at Jean's house on his Birthday.

Birthday party with cupcakes at Jean's house

Opening up all of his new John Deere equipment and animals from Grandpa & Grandma Fara
Katie assisting Brycen in opening up the gift

Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter weekend at the Farm!

Last weekend, we took a trip to Grandpa & Grandma Fara's Farm for Easter.  Steve, Leigh, Logan and Skylar drove up from Kansas and Eric and Katie were around as well.  It was a busy and fast-paced weekend but full of fun and memories.   

Brycen & cousin Logan having fun outside

 Saturday morning started off with an exciting volcano experience in the kitchen with Aunt Leigh the scientist.  The boys and Skylar watched as Leigh poured vinegar into a flower vase with green food coloring and baking soda on the bottom.  We've got a video and I'll have to add it later.
Brycen, Grandpa Fara and Logan petting a newborn calf
It wasn't but a few minutes later that we were all strapping on our boots and spending lots of time outside!  Logan and Brycen were able to help Grandpa Fara feed the kitties cat food and the "big daddy" bulls two buckets of corn. All week Brycen jabbered about going to the farm to see the baby calves and he actually was able to pet a newborn calf!  Bycen couldn't get enough of just watching the cows. He kept commenting on how some were sleeping, others were eating and moving, etc. 


Brycen's silly face
 Next was time on the four wheeler.  Brycen, Logan and Grandpa hopped up and just as they started it up Brycen decided that he was not up for a ride so Logan and Grandpa went around the farm.  Brycen then built up some courage and Grandpa suggested that he might ride with mom... so that seemed okay.  After the four wheeler ride, the boys moved on to the new Massy tractor.  They decided they would drive down to the bridge and throw rocks in the water.  They must have had fun because they were down there for at least 15 minutes.  
Brycen & Mom riding the 4-wheeler

Logan, Grandpa Fara & Brycen riding in the tractor
Next the item on the list of activities was to paint Easter eggs.  They had little rollers with paint to decorate the 12 hard boiled eggs for the Easter bunny.  (Another video to post sometime.)  Logan did a great job making colorful eggs and Brycen needed a little help from Aunt Leigh but had fun decorating the eggs.  
Something was funny while painting Easter eggs

Brycen & Grandpa Fara in the pool
After a very quick nap, we all packed up and went to the Manning Rec Center for a quick swim.  It was a fun time to spend throwing balls, rings, and occasionally kids around in the pool.  
Logan & Brycen bundled up in towels after swimming

Kendall (3), Brycen (2), William (7), Logan (3), and Carson (5) before the egg hunt

Immediately after the pool we went to Great Grandpa and Grandma Fara's house a few blocks away.  It was a special treat to have nearly everyone on the Fara side together again and see everyone more than just at Christmas.  We had a delicious supper, let the little ones have an Easter egg hunt, and topped it off with ice cream birthday cake. 

Brycen on Easter morning

Sunday morning brought a nice surprise that Brycen (and Otis) slept in until 7:00! It can be difficult sleeping in the same room together sometimes but I think we were all exhausted after a long and busy Saturday.  Brycen came downstairs to an Easter basket full of a new book, race car, bubbles, a stuffed rabbit, and some new toys.  There wasn't much time to play because we were getting ready for breakfast at church followed by a full house at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Irwin. 


Grandpa Fara & Brycen holding his new book "The Sitter" which Brycen really needs... he's not been too nice to the most recent babysitters. 

Aunt Sharon & Skylar

Uncle Burke & Skylar

Easter Egg hunt!

After church, we stopped by Uncle Eric's new house and checked out all the improvements he has been keeping himself busy doing.  It's real nice and I think he looks forward to finishing some of the little touches off and making it his own.... (with a few "minor" ideas from Katie!) 

After we got back to the farm, the boys were ready for some quick pictures and then another egg hunt at Grandpa & Grandma's house.  They each found 18 eggs while Skylar watched in Katie's arms.  Brycen had green & pink and Logan had blue & purple.  He got some candy, money, and a new blue race car.

Brycen, Logan, "Zoe-Cat" and the farm cats all looking for eggs

Checking out what is in his eggs

The boys having a seat at the table & munching on fruit waiting for the adults to eat.
 It seemed that the boys had another thing on their minds as they made their way to the kitchen were waiting at the table to eat while the rest of us were still sitting in the living room. 

A wonderful Easter lunch was ready and we stuffed ourselves.  We were careful to not fill up too much because we had angel food birthday cake and Katie had made some incredible cup cakes!  Yumm!

The very last thing to check off the list for the weekend was a quick birthday party for Brycen.  As if he wasn't spoiled enough with the egg hunts, baskets, love and attention... he got presents on top of it.  He now has lots of new tractors, wagons, animals and a play mat to put them all on.  He also got a new book and alphabet/letter "game" as Brycen put it.   

Dad & Brycen putting his Easter egg money in the bank. 
We loaded up the car and headed for home. Brycen is getting a little less tolerant of these long 3 1/2 hour car rides and we're beginning to realize how much effort it takes to entertain him.  When we got home and unpacked Brycen found his last surprise of the weekend... TWO more Easter baskets that the Easter bunny had left him by the front door.  He got a new baseball glove, two baseballs,  fun new toys, clothes, and two new puzzles (which we opened and immediately put together).  He had a quick supper and skyped with Uncle Ross & Aunt Sarah.  Then it was bathtime followed by reading books before going to bed a little early. 

As I'm typing all of this up, I realize how eventful our weekend was! (And how much fun it was.)  I know Brycen had a great time at Grandpa & Grandma Fara's because on the way home, just past Des Moines, he started pouting for Burke to turn the car around and go back to Grandpa Fara's house.