Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Brycen got a new teddy bear yesterday from one of my coworkers.  Her mother had recently passed away and had collected many, many teddy bears.  A few days ago she had asked if Brycen likes teddy bears and I told her the story about the Christmas re-gift that I gave Brycen and how he absolutely loves it.  Tuesday, I came into work to see a brown teddy with green overalls.  Instantly I knew Brycen would love it. 

As I picked up Brycen from Jean's he was being a little stubborn (like always) to leave until I mentioned that I had a new teddy bear outside in the car for him.  He instantly turned, ran toward the stairs, and said "bye Jean."  It was funny how his attitude changed so quickly.  When I got him in the car I told him that Mary had given him the teddy and I thought he looked like Corduroy from one of his favorite books. 

He loved it.  The whole way home he was talking to Corduroy and started singing the teddy bear song the whole way home.  "Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch your nose.  Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch your toes." After his bath, Corduroy got to sit on Brycen's lap while we read books and Brycen made sure that he prayed with us before bed.  Of course, Corduroy got to sleep with Brycen in bed last night.  We had to put up one of his other stuffed animals to make room.... he has plenty!

Brycen loves his stuffed friends.  Recently, he also got a new frog named "Kermit" from Kelly when she visited.  He's slept with that frog every night since she gave it to him.  He takes good care of them and makes sure to tell Otis not to "eat" them.  Although thankfully, Otis doesn't even pay attention to any of Brycen's toys. We're lucky to have a good dog too!

Monday, February 25, 2013

A story teller...

Today, I picked Brycen up from Jean's house and he had quite a bit to say.  I walked in to him taking "Ozzy" (a boy cabbage patch doll) for a walk around the room in a stroller.  He let me know that they were going for a long walk.  He was so full of energy, it was quite difficult to get him out of her house!  I bribed him by saying we were going grocery shopping, he loves to go shopping as long as we're quick. 

On the way home, Brycen told me that he and I were going hunting.  I chuckled and asked him what we were going to do with all of the groceries?  He said that we were going to take them to the field.  I then egged him on asking what we were going to do with them in the field?  He said we were going to feed the groceries to the chickens.  Ha!  I said that we would have more fun going hunting with Daddy and Otis.  He said that "Daddy already home."

We went home and drove past the airport.  It was pretty cloudy and overcast day this afternoon to where you could not see airplanes in the sky.  He told me that he "saw a plane with Daddy yesterday."  It was incredible to me that he knew that it was "yesterday."  We started to drive down the gravel road toward town and he yells out "Swisher up there, home up there!" 

That was just in a matter of a few minutes!  The other night after supper, Burke and I were talking about the floor plans for the house.  Brycen then asked to look at the paper. Burke and I asked Brycen what room he wanted to have.  He pointed at the garage and said "that one."  We both laughed and said noooooo that is the garage!  He looked at us and laughed just to say, " I live in the garage." 

What a silly boy!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Snow Day!

Yesterday, to my amazement, Kirkwood closed due to the 6 or so inches of snow that fell on Thursday overnight.  Brycen and I had a fun day together.  It started as I traced and cut out Batman and Superman designs for new capes.  Surprisingly, Brycen slept in until almost 7 o'clock.  It was so much fun starting off the morning playing puzzles and making a fort out of the dining room table while I attempted to sew a little. 

We then went outside around 10:30 to play in the snow and so I could scrape off the inch of snow that was on the driveway. We attempted to roll a snowman but the snow was too dry.  We ended up just packing the snow together in a big pile. 

College Community did not have school either so the neighbors, Brad and Sara, came outside to play and Brycen had so much fun playing with Sarah.  They pushed his little car around the house through the snow getting it stuck as much as possible.  Brad, Sarah and Brycen also got out the sleds and went down the small hill between our houses.  We were outside for over and hour and a half.  It was so nice... about 28 degrees, no wind and the sun was trying to shine. 

I finished his capes while he napped and we had a fun time in the house before eventually going out again when Burke came home from work a little early. 

For the first time, we actually were able to go out to eat at the Cedar Ridge Winery for supper.  We felt a little awkward taking a two year old to a winery but oh well. 

When we got home it was cuddling time on the couch while we read books and looked through his "I-spy" books, which he absolutely loves looking at.  We had such a good family time in that half hour before bedtime.  What a perfect ending to a great day!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Brycen at Church

It's been exciting to see Brycen's development and interaction with others grow in the past few months as he gains more independence.  In our weekday routine he spends time at home and at daycare with the same people.  On weekends lately he's been going to swimming lessons (which there are stories that should be saved for another blog) and church. 

Most of the time at church, he is pretty reserved and even a little shy around others he does not know.  He gives out a lot of smiles and flirting looks to those who sit around us and he absolutely loves going up front for the children's sermon and communion.  We can usually "bribe" him to be quiet and be good when we know one of those two events are close. 

During the Ash Wednesday service, as we were all attempting to sing the new the liturgy right before communion, Brycen decided that he was also going to sing.  So he started belting out "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.  Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.  All king's horses men Humpty 'gether again."  I knelt down to try and quiet him up and at this time, the music had stopped and those around us were chuckling at his song.  He was well aware that he was people were laughing and proceeded to continue singing.  It wasn't until we sat down and I told him we could go up front for communion that he became instantly serious. 

Brycen loves going up for communion.  A few months ago Burke and I started telling him that he needed to pray with his hands when we were up there and he does.  Each time it is so precious.  As we went up for communion this week, he decided that he would also kneel like Mom & Dad do.  I wish I could have had a picture to remember that moment and to share but it was so perfect on how innocent he was and how his hands reached up to the communion rail and looked up as Pastor Moe came around. 

Of course, he was very confused that we all had "dirty" on our faces that night with the sign on the cross in ashes on every one's forehead.  It seemed that he did a double-take to about everyone who spoke to him.  At one point he pointed to his head, but never tried wiping it off. 

This last Sunday, we were greeters before the service and it seemed that Brycen did not shake one person's hand.  I'm hoping no one took it personally, he was a little touchy that morning because he had a complete melt-down to which pair of pants he was going to wear to church.  Oof! 

Monday, February 18, 2013

February 18th: A New Idea

Starting a blog...

The thought of scrap booking is just too overwhelming to me and knowing that I haven't touched Brycen's baby book in at least 6 months solidifies that I will never be a "scrap booker." 

In church on Sunday, a very nice lady named Dianne Rathje turned around during the service and asked for my email saying that she had an idea for me.  I wrote it down and didn't think anything of it.  I then received her email on Sunday afternoon about her family member has a blog of their child's activities and uses it instead of a scrapbook.... more like a journal.  She suggested that I do this for Brycen.  What a wonderful idea.  I know friends that blog but never really thought of doing it myself.  It is a great idea and Burke even mentioned that I should do it. 

Here I am, on my lunch break a work, typing up the very first blog for Brycen's cyber scrapbook.  I'll try my best not to boast and be "that parent" but so many things are exciting in his development that it makes it difficult not to be incredibly proud of your little one. So please, this is my way of saying I'll do my best to not be an arrogant parent. 

A few funny events from the previous weekend....

Brycen is 100 weeks old this week.  I receive a weekly parenting email that describes what children his age are up to and into.  This week's email congratulated them on being 100 weeks old and began describing the language development for a child a few weeks away from being 2 years old.  As I read through the email I had to laugh.  As I read the email to Burke he signed and nearly rolled his eyes at the thought of what the email described. 

If you don't already know, our little stud is quite the talker.  The email described a toddler his age knowing about 50 words and learning more daily.  He says the funnies things and sometimes I don't know where he gets it! 

On Friday of last week, we were driving to Jean's house (daycare) and passing over the 380 bridge by Prairie High School.  Brycen looks out the window and says, "No fall down there, Mama. (pause)  Be careful.  Drive on the road."  Now, I don't know what type of driver I am but I got a kick out of his concern and expression.  He obviously has parents and a daycare provider that always tell him to be careful. 

On Saturday morning, Brycen woke up at 5:40am and entertained himself by singing nursery rhymes.  We'd hear him singing Row, Row, Row your boat, Humpty Dumpty, and the Itsy, bitsy spider with a few moments of silence here and there.  Eventually he asked to go potty and we got up. 
Later, we were having breakfast and Burke's English muffin pops up out of the toaster and Brycen yells, "toast is ready, Dada!" while Burke is in the bathroom.  I told Brycen I'd get it ready for Daddy and he tells me that Daddy would be "happy."  I just had to laugh and agree that I'm sure he would be. 

Until the next time!