It's been exciting to see Brycen's development and interaction with others grow in the past few months as he gains more independence. In our weekday routine he spends time at home and at daycare with the same people. On weekends lately he's been going to swimming lessons (which there are stories that should be saved for another blog) and church.
Most of the time at church, he is pretty reserved and even a little shy around others he does not know. He gives out a lot of smiles and flirting looks to those who sit around us and he absolutely loves going up front for the children's sermon and communion. We can usually "bribe" him to be quiet and be good when we know one of those two events are close.
During the Ash Wednesday service, as we were all attempting to sing the new the liturgy right before communion, Brycen decided that he was also going to sing. So he started belting out "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All king's horses men Humpty 'gether again." I knelt down to try and quiet him up and at this time, the music had stopped and those around us were chuckling at his song. He was well aware that he was people were laughing and proceeded to continue singing. It wasn't until we sat down and I told him we could go up front for communion that he became instantly serious.
Brycen loves going up for communion. A few months ago Burke and I started telling him that he needed to pray with his hands when we were up there and he does. Each time it is so precious. As we went up for communion this week, he decided that he would also kneel like Mom & Dad do. I wish I could have had a picture to remember that moment and to share but it was so perfect on how innocent he was and how his hands reached up to the communion rail and looked up as Pastor Moe came around.
Of course, he was very confused that we all had "dirty" on our faces that night with the sign on the cross in ashes on every one's forehead. It seemed that he did a double-take to about everyone who spoke to him. At one point he pointed to his head, but never tried wiping it off.
This last Sunday, we were greeters before the service and it seemed that Brycen did not shake one person's hand. I'm hoping no one took it personally, he was a little touchy that morning because he had a complete melt-down to which pair of pants he was going to wear to church. Oof!
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