Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Our polite little man

Recently, Brycen has been very into saying "thank you" for everything.  He's always been pretty good at saying Please and Thank You.  He is much better for remembering his thank you's rather than the initial pleases.  Of course, he sometimes needs a reminder like the rest of us. 

Often times, Brycen will thank Burke for making supper.  His words are usually, "Thank you making supper, Daddy."  When we get his plate, milk, silverware he will sometimes say "Thank you getting it."  It's adorable to see him say this because he is so serious and sometimes it might be accompanied with a hug. 

A few weeks ago he was playing with his guitar in the kitchen.  I asked him if he liked playing his guitar and he responded "yeah."  I asked who gave him his guitar and he said Uncle Perry.  He then says, "Thank you guitar Uncle Perry."

Yesterday morning, I was folding laundry in his room with him and he pulls out his clothes to tell me what each item of clothing is... "Brycen's digger jammas, Brycen's new jeans... like Mommy's" and "Brycen's blue pants!"  He would say "Thank you washing it Mommy" and sometimes thank who gave him the article of clothing. 

He will even be in a full out cry sometimes and be very polite.  The other night he really wanted to eat an orange (his favorite food by far!) for a snack after his nap and he had already had one for lunch.  I had told him no, we would have something else.  Of course, he was upset and started to cry.  Brycen can be very sensitive and emotional just after nap time. 

I asked if he wanted an apple, "No thank you"... yogurt? same response... raisins? again "No thank you Mama" while crying.  I couldn't help but laugh at him (which made him more upset) because he was being so nice even while being so upset and crying.  By the way, all of the options I gave him are some of his favorites.  We're usually able to coax him down, but his favorite foods are very important to him.  Lately he's been into his blueberries and raspberries.  Yum!

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