Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Brycen has many stuffed animals and friends and he goes through phases as to which one is his favorite.  For a while now, "Hoppy" his green frog has been his buddy.  He carries him around the house, brings him to the bathroom when he goes potty, and tucks him into bed at night.  Lately Brycen has asked to swaddle Hoppy and carries him around like a baby.  He'll often bounce him in his arms and rock him just like he's Hoppy's care giver.

On Monday, Brycen insisted that he needed to take Hoppy and his sock monkey to Jean's house.  I didn't feel like arguing so I let him.  He's never taken a stuffed animal to Jean's so I thought it would be worth trying once.  I had a feeling that it wouldn't be a great idea because I knew he wouldn't share Hoppy.  Jean said that he did let Peyton and Addie hold him, (for a short time) but she had to put him up after a while.  On Tuesday, I convinced him that Hoppy wanted to take a nap on the couch in the living room.  So Brycen tucked him in by the pillow and that is where he sat all day.

Here is a picture of Hoppy this morning as he brought him down for breakfast.  Brycen can be such a people-pleaser and really tries to take care of his stuffed "friends."

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