Monday, June 10, 2013

Everything needs to match

Ever since Brycen was about a year old, he's been involved in choosing his attire each morning.  There have been many times where he has worn his favorite royal blue socks, his orange basketball shirt (that's terribly stretched out) or other favorites.  There have been many memorable mornings where he does NOT want to wear certain items of clothing... such as jeans, his church pants, or hooded sweatshirts.  His desire to wear his pajamas turned into a "pajama day" at Jean's house a few months ago.
Most recently in the last few weeks, he has been matching his outfit based on color and won't wear anything unless it matches... or you convince him (some how) that it goes well together.  
- A few weeks ago, we were shopping and I ran into a store while Brycen and Burke stayed in the car. When I returned, Brycen told me how the exterior color of the building for the store matched Daddy's hair (burnt orange color).  
- On our drive to Walford, we pass a red barn and three horses.  Brycen had to point out that the black and the brown horse don't match.  
There are many other examples I could think of if I took more time, but it's interesting to see how he processes his surroundings by what "belongs" and how things go together.  

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