Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Little ears

Little minds and ears always seem to be smarter than we think.  Brycen continues to amaze us on what he picks up on and how he knows exactly on what type of situation to apply it.  He will sometimes say something and like any other toddler, if he gets a reaction out of it, he says it again.  We try real hard to tell him if things are naughty or bad words but sometimes he just argues with us saying they're not bad words.  Then says it again.

A few weeks ago, Otis was overly excited one night as we were opening up the box to our new vacuum and we were telling him to go away and get his bone.  Brycen all of a sudden says, Otis go play in the toilet.  Burke and I just look at each other and laugh because we know that he must have picked that up from Grandpa Blanchard.

The next morning while eating breakfast, I must have burped and said "excuse me."  Brycen was silent for a second and then said, Grandpa Blanchard says excuse me for being alive.  I just looked at him and laughed and of course he thought it was funny, and repeated it.

There are some expressions when we ask him where he learned it and he'll say something like, Grandpa Fara.  (When we know Grandpa Fara wouldn't have said it.)  So we know he's learning to tell lies and we're sure that he's picking up little expressions from other children his age at school.  Burke and I have always known we have to be careful what we say, but anymore we are extra careful on the words we choose because we never know when he'll choose to repeat them!

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