Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Baby Arabelle

Brycen so proud of himself holding Arabelle
Last weekend we ventured in the snow and frigid temperatures to Des Moines to pay a visit to the Weis Household.  Miles & Cara welcomed their precious little Arabelle on February 12th.  She is a sweet little girl and was awake most of the time when we were at their house on Sunday.  

We'd never been to their new house in Urbandale yet, and it is very nice.  Brycen immediately told Miles that he wanted to wrestle him, so after a quick tour of the house they were wrestling in the basement.  Brycen was excited see Wrigley, their chocolate lab, but didn't appreciate all of the kisses and barks.  At one point, I think the Wrigley wanted to play with Brycen so much he as "talking" to him in a way that only a dog moans and groans.  Brycen had moved on and was more interested in holding baby Arabelle.

Brycen holding Arabell while she was awake.

When I first got to hold her and went to the couch, Brycen was a little jealous.  He wanted to sit on my lap at the same time.  Of course being 37 weeks pregnant, my lap has limited real estate space.  He was even kind of leaning and maybe even pushing on Arabelle at one point.  That all changed when I asked Brycen if he wanted to hold her.  We got him a boppy pillow and he was so excited to do it all by himself.  

Thanks to Grandma Blanchard, we took them lunch and dessert and were able to stay for a few short hours before coming home again in the afternoon.  Cara had to attend a friend's baby shower for a few hours so she left shortly after lunch.  Brycen got plenty of snuggle time with the baby after lunch and we all cheered on the Hawkeyes while she was sleeping.  

Content sleeping baby and Brycen constantly covering & uncovering her.
She didn't seem to mind!
It was fun to see Brycen so interested in holding baby Arabelle and it made Burke and I excited to see how he will be with his baby brother here in a few short weeks.  Brycen got in some good practice and learned a few things about holding her head and what to do when she cries.  

When we got home, Brycen was pretending that he had his baby in his blankets and was carrying them around.  This lasted only about 5 minutes before he returned to his usual rough-housing self and was wrestling Burke.  

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